Josine Potharst handles matters regarding insurance and liability law and logistics. Her expertise lies in insurance law, heavy equipment and other construction related matters, general liability/standard terms & conditions, employer’s liability and professional indemnity, as well as in logistics. Josine mainly assists insurers, insurance brokers and logistics service providers.

In 2013, Josine finished the Magna Charta post doc course on Insurance with fine grades. She completed her training as a lawyer at Kennedy Van der Laan, with the Insurance and Liability department. Josine graduated from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, also having studied at Boalt Hall Law School of the University of California in Berkeley, and was a legal intern at the Dutch Federation of Professional Soccer Organizations.

Josine is a member of the Dutch Association for Insurance Science ,the Association for Liability and Compensation Law and the Association for Sports and Law. Josine is registered for the practice area General practice (Civil law) in the register of legal practice areas of the Dutch Bar Association.

Publications and Lectures

Risicoaansprakelijkheid of 'aanmerkelijk risico' aansprakelijkheid? HR 12 januari 2024, ECLI:NL:HR:2024:17

NTBR 2024/11 (Dutch Journal Civil Law)

De WAM en bijzondere verkeersdeelneming

VAST May 2021, P-022

De Hoge Raad beperkt de toepassing van de tweejarige verjaringstermijn voor schadevaring

Beursbengel January-February 2015, p. 7

Het houderschap in werkmaterieelverzekeringen: is een huurder altijd een houder?

Beursbengel October 2012, p. 24

Wat is de reikwijdte van de verzekeringsplicht van de werkgever bij verkeersongevallen? HR 12 december 2008 en tweemaal HR 19 december 2008

PIV-Bulletin 2009, p. 6-9

Comment to judgment Supreme Court 30 November 2007

JA 2008/32 (Journal case law Liability law)

Samenwerken met ‘lead generators: wat vindt de rechter ervan?

D&O news letter Wft, nr. 391

Coverage of judgments in Jurisprudentie Aansprakelijkheid (Liability Journal)

Contributions to Tijdschrift voor Sport en Recht (Sports & Law Journal)

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